Swiss Franc Japanese Yen Rate (CHFJPY)

Here is the current Swiss Franc Japanese Yen rate. Foreign exchange rate for CHFJPY including todays high,low and change.

Symbol Price High Low Change
CHFJPY 166.88 168.31 166.87 -1.4230
Buy / Sell

Our Swiss Franc Japanese Yen Live exchange rates are updated once per minute from 00:00 GMT Monday until 21:00 GMT Friday. The CHFJPY live rate is available 24 hours a day and can be viewed in our exchange rate tables, you can also use our live currency converter tool which allows you to convert currency at current live exchange rates. For forex trading we also provide a currency sentiment indicator on our rate pages, which gives the user a quick view of the general sentiment on popular currency rates.

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Swiss Franc Japanese Yen News

Dollar Recovers on Safe-Haven Demand as Stocks Slump

Detailed price information for Swiss Franc/Japanese Yen (CHFJPY) from The Globe and Mail including charting and trades.


Comparatively muted currency moves suggest traders are betting President Trump’s hefty tariffs on goods from Canada and Mexico will be short-lived, says MUFG, a Japanese bank. Selloffs in the ...

CHF/JPY Forecast Today 03/03: Holds Firm Against JPY (Chart)

The Swiss franc has been all over the place against the Japanese yen during the trading session on Friday, as we continue to hang around ...

Dollar Slips on a Dovish US Feb Payroll Report

Detailed price information for Swiss Franc/Japanese Yen (CHFJPY) from The Globe and Mail including charting and trades.

Yen Rises Amid Risk Aversion

In the European trading today, the yen rose to a 5-day high of 159.04 against the euro and a 6-day high of 189.47 against the pound, from early lows of 160.35 and 190.95, respectively. If the yen ...